After careful evaluation of all the incredible entries we received, we are thrilled to announce the winners of the DuPont™ Tyvek® Design Award 2023.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all those who participated in DuPont™ Tyvek® Design Award 2023. We received an overwhelming number of creative and innovative entries, which made the judging process a difficult one. All the participants’ creativity and passion for design have truly amazed us.

After careful evaluation of all the incredible entries we received, we are thrilled to announce the winners of the DuPont™ Tyvek® Design Award 2023.

💬 Note: if any brand is interested in bringing these award-winning designs to life and set your brand apart from the rest, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we‘ll connect you with the designer to discuss the design commercialization opportunities! 🤝

The 3 Best Tyvek® Design Award goes to: (in no particular order)

Wagasa Lamp, by Solenn Roch Design (LINK to the entry)

Cat Bush, by United Pets (LINK to the entry)

SOUBI BY TAKASHI TESHIMA Season1, by Takashi Teshima (LINK to the entry)


DuPont team together with Desall team has selected these top three designs that truly utilized the characteristics of DuPont™ Tyvek® material and captured the spirit of innovation and creativity, aesthetic and social value.


The Special Mentions Award goes to the following 21 designs. Click the image to learn more about the design in Desall platform. ↓


And we also selected a group of designs for Visibility Award. Click the image below to learn more about these designs in Desall platform. ↓

Check out far more impressive entries in Desall platform

We couldn't be more prouder of all of our winners and their outstanding use of Tyvek® material. Their enthusiasm for reinventing the limits of material and design never ceases are truly amazing. ❤❤❤

Once again, congratulation to the winners, and to all the participants, thank you for pushing the boundaries of creativity and making the DuPont™ Tyvek® Design Award 2023 one of the most exciting ones yet! 🎉🎉🎉

Desall team will help to communicate for more details with the winners for Christmas and New Years Holiday.

For all the designers and artists who have requested Tyvek® Swatchbooks or sample material, but couldn’t make it this year, we truly hope to see your designs in the near future or in the next Tyvek® Design challenge!