There’s no place like home, but our sanctuary is facing irreparable damage. With buildings being responsible for nearly 40% of global GHG emission, and the construction industry contributing to roughly one-third of all waste- we have an opportunity to bend the curve. DuPont PBS & Corian® Design has committed to reducing our GHG emissions by 75% by 2030 from a 2019 baseline level. By the end of 2022, we saw a 41% reduction in our GHG emissions, great progress, but we know there is more work to do. To prevent global temperatures from rising beyond 1.5°C, we must reduce global emissions by half by 2030. If we act now and make a conscious effort toward decarbonization, we can realize our shared vision of a home with a safe, sustainable environment – now and for generations to come.
The industry must work together to decarbonize our buildings and our products — all at a pace that was once unthinkable. Our communities are counting on us to deliver through substantial change, ambitious action and collaboration to limit global warming to a 1.5°C temperature increase. For this reason, DuPont has committed to setting science-based targets for GHG emission reduction in line with the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) strengthening its emissions goals in alignment with the pace of reduction needed to limit global temperature increase.
We remain dedicated to innovating as if our future – our home, our planet – depends on it … because it does, now more than ever.
Delivering Solutions for Global Challenges
We believe that long term shared value is created by solving the challenges defined in the SDGs.
2030 Goal:
100 percent of our innovation portfolio will meaningfully advance the UN SDGs and create value for our customers.
Acting on Climate
We believe that all buildings play a critical role in helping mitigate and adapt to climate change — a real and rapidly growing threat to society and the planet.
2030 Goal:
We will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from DuPont Performance Building Solutions and Corian® Design operations by 75% from 2019 levels.
Enabling the Circular Economy
We believe that a sustainable building industry is a circular building industry, where no materials are wasted and all materials are reused.
2030 Goal:
We will advance the circular economy in the building industry through innovation in materials and business models, collaboration and end-of-life plans that eliminate and upcycle waste across the product life cycle.
Innovating Safer by Design
We believe that all chemistry in the building industry should aspire to be green chemistry.
2030 Goal:
We will collaborate with our customers and key partners to bring green chemistry innovations to the market and will drive continued reduction in the presence of priority substances in our portfolio.
Building Thriving Communities
We believe that every person on the planet should have the opportunity to live in safe, affordable, efficient and durable structures.
2030 Goal:
We will work to build communities, strengthen families and empower the next generation across the globe.
Let’s engage in the sustainability conversation together